Here are my main Nine Patch Challenge quilt finished..
These fabrics are mostley Lecien fabrics and I have bought them some here and others there..
I loved making this quilt and actually it is a tabelcloth to match my Green Gate China.
Quilt'n i Arendal have done a wonderful job quilting it. I do not know if I ever will use it as a tabelcloth thought, you know very delicate colours.
So now girls there are just 1 more mounth to go before my Nine Patch Challenge is due. I hope all of you are doing fine and that all of you will have at least one Nine Patch quilt done by 1 of september ;-)) Did I mention that I will have a little price for one of you girls in the Nine Patch Challenge so go ahead and finish your quilt in time!!?
Her er min hoved quilt til min Nine Patch utfordring. Dette er for det meste Lecian stoffer som jeg har kjøpt litt her og litt der. Dette har vært et hyggelig vinter arbeid som jeg har satt veldig pris på. Jeg har laget denne quilten som er en duk til mitt Green Gate service. Jeg vet ikke om jeg noen gang får råd til å legge på denne duken. En liten flekk kan jo ødelegge hele duken ;-)
Quilt'n i Arendal har gjordt en flott jobb med quiltinga..
Så nå jenter er det bare 1 måned igjen av min lille Nine Patch utfordring. Jeg håper alle jentene hvertfall har 1 quilt ferdig innen 1 september. Har jeg nevnt at jeg har en liten gave til en av dere som klarer å lage ferdig 1 eller flere quilter til fristen!!?
Opam for juli.
Min bestevenninne har fått ny hytte og jeg har laget denne løperen til henne.
Design Anne på Quilt'n i Arendal.
A tabel runner for Opam July.
I have made this tabelrunner for my best friend s new cabin.
Design Anne på Quilt'n i Arendal.
My Pif gift for :
Your 9-patch is so sweet. I wouldn't use it as a table cloth either. I'd just sit and admire its softness. Very nice PIF gifts and I LOVE the owl runner for your friend.
SvarSlettYou’ve made some gorgeous PIF gifts Anne-Marie! Love those owls.
SvarSlettI hope you are doing fine. I’ve been thinking of you and my other blogfriends from Norway!
Your 9-patch is the sweetest quilt I have seen for a long time. The PIF tablerunners are very beautiful and fine, perfect for the best china and silver spoons! I really love the owls in the other runner!
SvarSlettYour friend will love her new table runner. It is so sweet. I love my rose table runner. It is on the dresser where I finally had good enough light for a photo.
SvarSlettWhat a gorgeous 9 patch quilt. It looks so effective how you have them en-pointe. Beautiful colours too.
Ann Marie ...I just love your nine patch. The fabrics are wonderful. Congratulations on a finish. I will be working toward that September 1 deadline.
SvarSlettBoth finishes are just so fantastic Annne Marie, well done on your finishes...lovely PIF gifts..
SvarSlettLove both finishes! Quilt is so sweet and delicate, and my favourite owl! Great work!
Your tablecloth and runners are so pretty, such lovely delicate colours :-)
SvarSlettBeautiful colors on your quilts... :)
SvarSlettOh, I love your ninepatch quilt as much as the beautiful tablerunners. You chose the absolute perfect colors (it's just my taste). My compliments!
SvarSlettI really wonder to watch those ninepatch quilt as much as the beautiful tablerunners. The colour selection is superb and waiting for more updated work.
SvarSlettLeight earplugs
Hello Anne Marie,
SvarSlettI finished my quilt NINE PATCH.
I just post the photo in my blog.
Thank you so much
A table cloth!!!! I wouldn't use it like that, it's wonderful!!!
SvarSlettI love the table runner too
Greetings from Spain
Great;du er dyktig du;vakre 9-patch:-) Jeg er jo heldig som har den ene her på bordet;delikat og aldeles nydelig sydd!
SvarSlettNå må jeg raske på skal jeg få til min siste
9-patch,fristen nærmer seg.Gleder meg til å vise deg:-)
Thank you for your visit. In the meantime another (little one!) project for your nine patch challenge is finished. Two others are still UFOs waiting to be finished in the next weeks.
SvarSlettHave a lovely day!