My Tiny Town Block 4..
Can you see what the time is??
I used my sewing machine to stitch the letter of the Post Office, but I cannot say that I am pleased with the result.
Here is the link to the International Quilt Festival of Irland , june 7th to 10th 2012. Have anyone of you plans to go there?
I will keep on dreaming about this fantastic event.
Her er blokk nummer 4 i mitt Tiny Town prosjekt.
Kan du se hvor mye klokka er??
Jeg brukte maskinen min til å brodere bokstavene, men det ble vel ikke helt vellykket.
Her er linken til den Internasjonale quilt festivalen i Irland, fra 7-10 juni 2012. Har noen av dere planer om å reise?? Jeg drømmer videre for det hadde vært en fantastisk flott måte å besøke Irland på!
My second Dresden block.. Luann challenged to show you this block too ;-))
Luann has showed me a lovely way of making 4 Dresden blocks into a wonder little quilt.
I would love to play with you Luann ;-) I just need to make 2 more Dresden plates.
TT er super og klokken er 1755!! Jeg forminsker mitt ned til 75% og er på Month 2(BOM fra AntiqueAngles i UK) Ikke Irland i år:-(
SvarSlettDine Dressen ser flotte ut,fint valg av stoff.
Sjekk min challenge for løper og mug rug:-)
I want to live in your sweet little tiny town! Be careful...dresdens are very addictive. I've bookmarked the link to the Irish Quilt Festival. I love Ireland and hope to return one day. It won't be next year though!
SvarSlettHi Anne Marie Your second Dresden plate is lovely. I'm glad you posted it, too. I like to see anything that you make. I would like to make the little Dresden quilt, too. I have some other things that I should finish first. I'm glad that you challenged me to make that first Dresden.
SvarSlettAlltid noe nytt og spennende hos deg. Flott arbeide hver gang.
SvarSlettDen skiløypa bruker vi hver gang vi har gått Bjørnenløypa. Veldig greit for oss. Ta gjerne en tur innom når du prøver løypa. Nå blir det ikke Bortelid på oss før til påske. Får håpe det er snø igjen selv om påsken er seint i år. Nå blir vi bortreist i nesten to uker.
Hia Anne Marie I am back now and will share Tiny Town 4 in my next blog post. I owe so many blog visits at the moment.
SvarSlettLovely work with the dresden- so pretty! Thank you so much for the beautiful 9 Patch- it reminded me of Spring blossoms.
Hei igjen, den folkevogna var bare sååå herlig. Nok en flott dresden blokk også.
SvarSlettKlemz fra Ann-Margret
I love your blocks!!
SvarSlettOh these dresdenplates are very nice. Up to now I didn't make this pattern. Probably I would have some difficulties to sew the plate on the fabric as my fingers are not ok. The hexagons in your new post are tempting too. Beautiful! I'm still on my ninepatch project and finally know what I am going to do with all my blocks :-) !!
SvarSlettHave a good and relaxing break!