I am so sad because my gift to Jacquie/ Tallgrass Prairie Studio is lost in the mail.. It has never reached my swappartner and it hurts realy bad. So if anyone of you see something like this you know that it belongs to Jacquie!
Well I have startet to make her something new and I will pray that it will arrive safely to its new owner, but I just need some time to finish it up. Have anyone of you ever experienced something similar?
Jeg hadde laget en flott gave til Jacquie men den har dessverre kommet bort i posten. Jeg er kjempelei meg!!
Så hvis noen ser denne lille julesekken eller løperen så vet dere at den tilhører Jacquie i Amerika.
Jeg har begynnt å lage en ny gave til Jacquie men jeg trenger selvfølgelig litt tid til å få laget det ferdig.. Har noen av dere opplevd noe lignende?
Ohhh I feel so sad for both you and Jacquie. I know Jacquie moved to another place, but I’m sure you checked the new address with her?!
SvarSlettI once had a package send back to me after 6 weeks, so... maybe it will come back to your place.
Oh Anne Marie how upsetting for both of you. The table runner is so perfect for Christmas, and I know you will have put your gift together with so much thought and loving wishes.
SvarSlettI so hope it will turn up just stuck in customs or something. I did have a fabric parcel held up for 2 weeks once because there was import duty to pay.
Hugs to you both.
I feel just awful for you both. It would be lovely if one day it just turns up at Jacquie's house or finds it's way back to you. What lovely gifts you make, as always. You're very sweet and generous to make another swap gift.
SvarSlettÅ, nei, så fortærande! Får inderleg håpe pakken dukkar opp før eller sidan - her eller der.. Du veit: alt som ikkje er stole eller oppbrent... Det var i alle fall ei flott julegåve du hadde sendt over dammen.
SvarSlettHuff! Så trist med gaven! Men plutselig kan det hende den dukker opp, så jeg krysser fingrene for deg :o)
SvarSlettÅÅÅÅÅ, så leit. Håper det ordner seg:o))
SvarSlettMin tanke er at det som ikke er brunnet eller spist opp kommer for en dag. Jeg krysser fingrene og håper at pakken enten når sin mottaker eller kommer tilbake.
SvarSlettUansett så er slikt kjedelig. Du har min sympati i denne prosessen.
Nei så irriterende:-(
SvarSlettHa en fin og kreativ høst:-))
Oh this is very very disturbing. And yes.. I had something happen just like that, only it was something somebody paid for already.. made of antique fabric which I could not duplicate. It was almost six weeks, and I had already started to make another, and was ready to refund the money for different fabric. But before I was half finished, the customer wrote and told me it had showed up finally! So maybe this will happen to you.. and you will get one of them back.
SvarSlettoh, anne marie - how awful! here's hoping it will find it's way to jacquie's sometime soon...it might not be lost forever...you do beautiful work!
SvarSlettAnnemarie, I am so sorry to hear that it did not make it to her home. I am sure that it will eventually get there. I can't imagine how you feel. But remember, she knows that you made it with her in mind.
SvarSletta had a parcel sent to me that went missing but it arrived back with the sender so she resent it to me..........and it arrived........maybe it is just help up with customs........
SvarSlettOh I do hope it turns up - all that work. You must be devastated. Looks so nice too. Is very annoying when something goes astray. I made a mohair teddy for someone once and it never made the address and never returned either, so I really know how you feel. good luck with it.