Rakels quilt er ferdig. Her har jeg brukt charm packs fra Bliss/ Moda. Enkelt og greit og blomstene har jeg funnet på Moda Bakeshop , design LeAnne Ballard.
Du kan se her: http://www.modabakeshop.com/2010/11/just-growing-quilt.html
Hun har også en blogg som du kan finne HER.
Teppe er quiltet av Quilt'n i Arendal, tusen takk Anne for flott jobb ;-)
Jeg har ikke så mye på gang ellers for allergi preger hverdagen her hos meg ....
Rakels quilt is finished. I have used Charm packs Bliss from Moda. This is a very easy and fun way to work. The flowers can be found at Moda Bakeshop and the designer is LeAnne Ballard.
You can find it here : http://www.modabakeshop.com/2010/11/just-growing-quilt.html
She also have have a blogg you can visit here.
The quilt has been quiltet at Quilt'n in Arendal ;-)
There is not much else going on here because of allergy season ...
Well done. It's beautiful. Allergy season here too. It's awful. Be well.
SvarSlettNydelige quilt! Så flotte stoffer.
SvarSlettNydeleg quilt i flotte stoff. Eg er heldigvis ikkje plaga med pollenallergi, så eg er i stand til verkeleg å nyte den flotte våren. Mann og barn er dessverre ikkje så heldige, så eg veit godt korleis du har det akkurat no.
SvarSlettYour quilt is so beautiful, I like it very much, well done !
SvarSlettJättefint arbete!
SvarSlettBild kommer inom kort på egen 9-ruta!
SvarSlettBeautiful quilt. I love the Bliss fabric line and have a couple of charm packs of it plus someother fabrics. Great finish!
SvarSlettBeautiful quilt, I love the colours you have used. The appliquéd flowers give the quilt a very nice touch.
SvarSlettKoselig teppe!!
SvarSlettSå flotte farger det var på teppet, skikkelig flott ble det. Føler med deg med allergien, jeg er også skikkelig plaget og den gjør meg så trøtt..
SvarSlettØnsker deg en god helg:)
SvarSlettA lovely quilt Anne Marie. Sorry I am so slow to visit at the moment. Daughter has all her coursework handed in now. Just exams for both children this Summer.
SvarSlettÅ det var en nydelig quilt. Flotte stoffer! Og flott quiltet :o)
SvarSlettSuch a beautiful quilt!! Sweet and romantic - I love the fabric colors!
SvarSlettBest wishes,