My block number 4 in the Vintage Memories Bom is finished today. I do love working on this Bom.My block number 5 do not arrive before september so will have to take a rest..
Min blokk nummer 4 i Vintage Memories Bom ble ferdig i dag. Det er veldig gøy å jobbe med denne Bom og det er mer nok stoffer i tilfelle du skjærer feil. Blokk nummer 5 kommer ikke før i begynnelsen av september så nå får jeg en lang pause..
Enjoy my garden trip with Linda. This a place is called " Kolonihager" in Norwegian, sorry I do not know the english word for this. But it a place where there several families are having their own garden and most of them has a small cabin. They grow vegetables , fruit and a lot of flowers. Most of the people who owns these small gardens are livind in flats/ apartments.. Did you get any wiser ;-))
Her under er en liten tur jeg hadde med min gode quiltevenninne Linda. Bildene er fra Kolonihagene på Lund i Kristiansand. De har 100 års jubileum i år og feirer det med å ha åpent hver søndag i sommer. Et flott sted å la tankene fly litt ;-))
Lunch out in the nature with a quilt I have got from Melanie. Looks great, right!
I was on a garden trip with my good friend Linda..
Lunsj i det fri med det koselig picnic teppet jeg har fått av Melanie.
Jeg var på tur i kolonohagene på Lund med min gode quiltevenn Linda.
Beautiful blocks. What a charming garden trip. I just love the little cabins, flowers, and little bird houses. What a fun day to include a picnic too!
SvarSlettI think the English word is allotment garden. They are very beautiful, and the cabins are cute. When I was young there was a place like this on the other side of our garden fence. The people took such good care of their little gardens.
SvarSlettNydelege blokker.
SvarSlettSå koseleg kolonihage :-)
those blocks are lovely!
SvarSlettI love allotment gardens. Your photos are adorable!
My gransparents had an allotment with a cabin you could easily live in, kitchen and bedrooms and all. As a child I loved spending time there.
Vintage Memories ser kjempefin ut - veldig fine farger! Gleder meg til å se fortsettelsen mvh
SvarSlettVirkelig en sunn lunch :-) Så koselig det er i kolonihagen - fargerikt og fint. Takker for titten.
SvarSlettSå fin blogg du har!! Utrolig mange fine quilter!! Likte spesiellt godt de løperne du syddee i lyse farger :) Mange fine :)
SvarSletti love the colour combinations and fabrics in your BOM.
SvarSlettyour holiday place looks perfect. i love the bicycle in the first picture :)
What wonderful allotments! Oh those little bird boxes are simply gorgeous! In the UK the land for allotments is owned by the council usually. There are all sorts of regulations which say it must be mainly for growing fruit and vegetables. This makes them look more like Mr McGregor's garden in Peter Rabbit rather than the gorgeous more "real garden" of your ones which I prefer. These truely look as though a child could play in them when they live in an apartment. I think the UK ought to use the Norwegian idea.
SvarSlettLovely and so accuraate blocks. Glad the little picnic cloth is useful. :-)
The gardens and their little houses look very peaceful and relaxing - like a park. A wonderful place for the gardeners to go to away from their apartment and it looks like you had a nice lunch.
SvarSlettnice Australia some towns have community gardens where anyone can go and get a patch to grow there vegies cabins there though..........usually only see a few areas of them in the cities..........
SvarSlettSå nydelige bilder, både av quilt og hager. Tenk, jeg visste ikke at det var slike flotte kolonihager på Lund! Hm, hvordan kan jeg ha gått glipp av det....
SvarSlettså fine blokker! nydelige stoffer!
SvarSlettSikke en vidunderlig tur du og Linda havde i haverne.
SvarSlettOg dine blokke er bedårende. Så romtantiske.
Ja da, vi ses næste weekend :-) og jeg glæder mig til at hilse på dig og Linda "live" igen i år.