Just a lovely sculpture we found on our first day at Gothenburg. I travelled with my friend Ingrid from my local quilt guild. She is a wonderful lady and we had some great days together in Gothenburg/ Sweden. Thank you Ingrid..
We are not allowed to share picture from the exhibition so I will encourage you to pop over to May Britts/ Abyquilt blogg, she has put out lots of pictures .
My life has been very busy lately and I have not have any time to visit you all, I will try to catch up soon.
Monday this week I was visiting Bergen and "Festspillende" and I went to a classic concert togehter with my Husband. Very nice and different from everything else I am used to do.
Today I will catch up with my quilting friends and we will sew, talk and laugh!!!
Some pictures from the shops
Ingrid and I found a great restaurant nearby our hotel and we had a very special dinner with lots of lovely redwin. ( No fastfood)
We found this beautiful bag at Quiltegården. Is it not adorable, Ingrid bought the pattern and she is planning to make it.
I meet a bloggfriend Nina in Norway. Thanks Nina for meeting you, you are so full of energy and always smiling..
I realy hope I will catch up with you later on sometime.
I meet some realy lovely ladies.Ingrid, Judith and Karin, sorry I missed taking pictures of Nancy. Thank you ladies it was great meeting you all....
Some lovely Bali's came home with me. This is for a special project, hmm a secret..
More fabrics
Flowers and buttons.
A very nice perfyme came home with me too..
Looks like you had a fantastic time. Met up with great friends and also found some wonderful goodies.
SvarSlettHow wonderful to meet up with friends. Lots of great purchases you made too! Now to see what you make with these purchases.
SvarSlettSer ut til at du har hatt ein fin tur, og du har fått med deg masse "godteri" heimatt ;-)
SvarSlettÅ det ser kjempegøy ut. Mye flott du har handlet. Og så gøy å se ett kjent fjes da. Nina går i samme quiltelag som meg :))
SvarSlettYou hada lovely time, that’s obvious!
SvarSlettYou bought some gorgeous fabrics!!!
I have many lovely memories of Gøtenborg!
Det ser ut att ha varit en trevlig tur till Göteborg och vad mycket godis du fick med dig hem.
SvarSlettIt looks like you had a fabulous time - how nice to be surrounded by like minded people :) and lots and lots of fabric!!!!
Hei Anne Marie :-)
SvarSlettDet var så koselig å møte deg i Gøteborg !
Ser at du har fått med deg mye godis hjem :-)
Hia Anne Marie it looked like it was quite a busy exhibition if the shops are anything to go by. How wonderful that you were able to meet a blog friend.
SvarSlettOoooo batiks! I wonder what you will be making?
Ser ut som du har fått med deg masse "goodies" fra Gøteborg - nydelige stoffer. Var mange flotte utstillinger også :-)
SvarSlettSer ut som du har kosa deg masse, og truffer mange koselige damer. Den veska har jeg også sydd, det var gøy å holde på med.
SvarSlettSpennende tur du har vært på.Tenker det var mange fristelser underveis.Den veska du viser var bare skjønn.
SvarSlettDenne helga blir det hytta for oss.Ønsker deg ei fin Pinsehelg.
Oh Anne Marie! That is too much fun you are having! Ilove all the pictures from the exhibition.. so neat to see you with blogging friends.. finally getting to meet them. How special!
SvarSlettAnd your fabrics you cam home with... mmmmmmm! I especially love that paisley print. :-D
Now lets keep on enjoying this beautiful summer.. before it is gone.
jeg misunner alle som kan sy sånne tepper osv..hun som bode her laget masse sånt , hadde et digert hobbyrom nede til det..mine strikkpinner trenger ikke så mye plass , garn kan en dytte inn over alt...slev om det kjøpes mer garn enn det brukes...en går saktere med åra, når en hadde full jobb og 4 barn da strikka en ol genser på 3 dager, nå ville jeg brukt 3 år. nydlig blogg og arbeider, Brit og Laila har gjort at jeg finner stadig nye blogger ...
SvarSlettSå spennende.... og så mange fine stoff du har kjøpt! Blir artig å se hva du skal sy av dem!
SvarSlettThat is a cute bag.
SvarSlettIt looks like you had a wonderful time. It sounds like you were inspired by many wonderful quilts and tempted by much wonderful shopping.
Wow so many things I love the Bronwyn Hayes bag. Looks like you came home with lots of goodies.