Hei alle sammen her har det vært stille litt for lenge. Jeg har vært opptatt med litt av hvert og blogging har dessverre blitt av de ting jeg har utsatt litt. Jeg har vært 2 helger på hytta, jeg har kost meg masse. Nå rett helgen kom møblene også og det var kjempegøy ..
Tok med min mor opp torsdag og ble helt til søndag. Deilig!!
Jeg trenger både kuverbrikker og løper til hytta, så det er bare å håpe at kreativiteten snart kommer tilbake.
Over ser dere bilder fra turen min mann og jeg tok forrige helg. Han fikk lurt meg opp hele skitrekket og innover mot Kvitevann. Det var kaldt og blåste masse. Jeg var glad når vi var nede igjen
Hello everybody, I have been to quite for too long, I am realy sorry. There has been some very busy times for me and blogging has been suffering big time.
I have been away on my new cottage for 2 weekends and just before last weekend the furniture arrived, at last .
Last weekend I brought my mom with me, and she realy enjoyed it. We had 3 nights there and it was just lovely.
The pictures is from the weekend before the last one. It was cold and pretty windy.I was happy when we came back!!
Please be pacient with me, I will try to catch up with you all!!
I have not been very creative lately but I hope to be back on track soon!
I love the landscape. Is your cabin getting ready for Christmas?
SvarSlettYou look cold in the pictures. Very beautiful scenery! sometimes we all just need to get away!
SvarSlettI have never seen such beautiful rocks that look like that. These are wonderful pictures. I almost think a polar bear is going to come up behind you though! I bet you are having so much fun wih your mum.. getting your cottage ready and thinking of how you will decorate it for Christmas. I am so happy for you.
SvarSlettIt must be so lovely to decorate your cottage and enjoy such a landscape! For one reason or another we are all so busy and we just don't enough time...But as you wrote me, we are there to support each other and that is a wonderful thing! Hugs to you!
SvarSlettSuch a beautiful landscape, I would love to stay there, go for long walks and just enjoy the nature.
SvarSlettJeg glæder mig til at se, hvad du finder på at sy til hytten.
Mange hilsner
Interesting rock formations. I think time spent at your wonderful cottage will help inspire you to create new and wonderful projects.
SvarSlettKan tenke meg dere har kost dere på hytta... Lenger etter en tur til Bortelid når jeg ser bildene dine.
SvarSlettHei Anne Marie!Så deilig ut med hyttetur.Var nok fint å få på plass møblene.Håper kreativiteten kommer løpende snart.Men det er jo deilig å slappe av med ei god bok også.Snakkes,kanskje treffes snart?
SvarSlettHa en fin høstdag.Klem fra Linda :))
Så koslig å se bilder fra hytta. Fikk rapport fra pappa om turen til deg og bestemor, og vi forstod at dere koste dere.
Hi Anne Marie, what an unusual rock in your 3rd picture. Is it carved or carved by nature? My it does look blustery -definately hot chocolate weather. Hope your cottage is warm and cosy for the Winter.
SvarSlettThat looks like you had some real weather in those pics.
SvarSlettAm blog-hopping my way through Chookyblue's SSCS list to see who else is playing along.