At last I have finished Tonje's quilt. It has been a journey of 7 mounths and it has been lot of fun and my youngest daughter Tonje has been a bit impatient but now she is very happy.I have sendt it to QUILTEN in Arendal so they could help me with the quilting. They did a realy great job and I very satisfied with the outcome. ( Please see the closeup down under)
Nå er har jeg endelig fått Tonjes quilt ferdig. Det har tatt 7 måneder reise med my moro og tenking. Tonje har vært litt utolmodig men hun er veldig fornøyd nå når hun ser resultatet. Jeg fikk utført quiltinga hos QUILTEN i Arendal. De har gjordt en fantastisk jobb og jeg er veldig fornøyd med resultatet. ( Dere kan se nærbilde litt lenger ned)
Nærbilde/ Closeup
And Yes I have put a label on the quilt so everybody can see were the quilt was made and by whom...( I have a small label in black which tell my adress and city.)
Jeg har selvfølgelig laget en merkelapp bak slik at alle kan se hvor og hvem som har laget quilten.( På en liten merkelapp som jeg setter på alle mine quilter finner du adressen min. Den er bestillt på
Stay tuned I will soon have another finish on Marits quilt!!
Følg med jeg er snart ferdig med Marits quilt også!!
STAY HAPPY IN BLOGGLAND .............................
Det ble virkelig flott teppet til Tonje. Den som venter på noe godt venter ikke forgjeves, heter det visst. Passer bra i dette tilfelle. Ha ei fortsatt fin uke.
SvarSlettOh Anne Marie! Your daughter is SO lucky to be getting this gorgeous quilt! What a beautiful job.. I love it.
SvarSlettYou have really been busy since coming back from vacation. Way to go!
Nydelig ble det.
SvarSlettArtig med den merkelappen bak.Nå kan hun bare kikke bak så ser hun nårtid hun fikk det.
God ide.
SvarSlettÅ hjelpe meg så flott dette ble...
Knallfin den merkelappen din, smart å sette den på...
Ha en koselig dag og uke...
Hi Anne Marie
SvarSlettThis qilts you have done has great soft tone colours, the idea of putting you name on to say who made it is a good idea, when you give to someone special,
The quilt is beautiful and FINISHED!
SvarSlettLucky Tonje! It is a beautiful quilt! You also made a cute label for it! She must be so happy! I'll stay tuned, the next quilt is coming!
SvarSlettHave a lovely weekend!
What a beautiful quilt! I love the pattern and the colors are just wonderful! :0)
SvarSlettWell done Anne Marie! Those subtle colours remind me of a serene pebble beach. Beautiful job well done.
SvarSlettBrilliant to have a special label for it to after so much work. You have created a beautiful heirloom for your family. Gorgeous!
Hvor er quilten til Tonje blevet flot, helt sikker at din datter bliver glad for den, flot mærkelap du har st bag på, god weekend.
SvarSlettI love the soft colours and design, you have done a great job..
SvarSlettcheers Marc
This turned out so beautiful! I love the soft colours in many shades, and the pattern is nice.