This my Mysteriquilt from Fatquartershop. I have signed up for this BOM for the next 10 mounth's. I hope to complete it as planned in mai 2009, though I have not startet yet.
Anyone else out there who has joined in?? Please let me know!
I have been away on summervacation at my mothers place, so thats why I have not been on any bloggs. I will try to catch up with you all within the next days or so. You have to be pacient with me.
And by the way my stay at my mothers was great as always. She and I where doing all the summerthings I used to do as a child, great!! Do you wonder were my husband was, wel at work ofcourse, is there anywhere else to be?
We also vistited Istrehågan an old Vikingplace , it is an old vikinggrave. I am very fond of this particular part of Norwegian history.We also had a very nice trip to my childhood favorite Stavern. It is the smallest city in Norway or was. Now Stavern is a part of the city of Larvik.
On tuesday I hope to join Bruce Springsteen for a concert in Oslo. I have the ticets but my husband is bailing out on me . You can understand I am not very happy. I hope I will find a friend who can join me on this wonderful possibility. Hotel in Oslo are already booked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heia, nå har jeg vært borte en stund. Jeg har vært på en liten sommerferie i Larvik hos min mor. Deilig bare jeg og henne!
Vi var selvfølgelig Stavern rundt med kunstutstillinger , skipperstua og kaffe på det Gule Galleri.
Jeg tok henne også med til Istrehågan i Tjølling. Istrehågan er steinsettinger fra tidlig vikingtid ca 4-500 e Kr. For meg var det nesten en magisk opplevelse. Må jo legge til at jeg er veldig interessert i Vikinge tiden.
Tirsdag har jeg billetter til Bruce Springsteen konsert på Valle Hovin og mannen min må jobbe! ;-((
Prøver å finne en venninne som kan være med meg, hotelet er bestillt og alt!
Jeg har meldt meg på Mysteriquilt hos Fatquartershop og det skal gå over 10 mnd, ferdig mai 2009. Er det noen andre der ute som har meldt seg på, da vil jeg gjerne vite om det. Er litt redd for å begynne å kutte i stoffene, tenk om jeg kutter feil og får for lite stoff!
Hei og hå
SvarSlettNei klemme pungene er ikke vanskelig å sy. En genial gave idee for store å små, til å ha penge,smykker evt små skatter i. Jeg hadde mønstret i quilte magasinet i fjor nr5. Bare husk på at det er 2 forskjellige sømmings mon. De er vrang sydde. Er det noe du lurer på så bare spør:-)
Ha en fin og kreativ uke:-))
Hei, høres ut som om du har hatt en fin ferie hos din mor. Jeg kommer også til å tilbringe årets ferie hos min mor (og far selvfølgelig) i Kristiansand. Kommer nå på torsdag og blir vel i 3-4 uker til huset vi skal leie på østlandet er ledig...
SvarSlettJeg er født i Stavern, men visste ikke at det var Norges minste by... interessant (nå lærte jeg noe nytt i dag også!)
Den mystery quilten ser spennende ut.
Håper du får en fortsatt god sommer.
Can I come with you? It seems you had a good time at your mother´s place.
SvarSlettSpennende den mystery quilten der. Kos deg med dn og håper du finner noen å sy den sammen med Det gjør det ekstra spennende og morro
SvarSlettKos deg på konserten Heldige du
I think you had a wonderful time with your mother! It must be a very beatiful place to visit in Norway!
SvarSlettI wish you a lot of fun with your Mistery quilt! I think Peg has started this one too.
Anne Marie, your vacation sounds wonderful! Stavern looks like a very exciting and beautiful place. So many interesting things happening there. I'm glad you had fun with your Mom.
SvarSlettI HOPE you can find someone to go to the Bruce Springstein concert. Your hubby is really missing out on that one!
And the block of the month looks like a lot of fun. I saw Peg at is participating in it too!
Good luck with finding a friend for the concert- you shouldn't miss it.
SvarSlettI'm doing what was a block of the month as a "block of the week" quilt using "At Water's Edge" range of fabrics. Lucky for me I'm getting the stitcheries in advance as they take me a long time to complete. Your project looks interesting, so I can't wait to see how it turns out for you next year.
Istrehagan looks so interesting. Are the stone symbolising a boat burial or is there a boat burial underneath and they are markers? He must've been an important chieften to have had so much effort go in to his burial. The most famous boat burial in England is Sutton Hoo.
mysterie quilten høres spennende ut, gleder meg til å følge med deg å se hvordan den blir. Kos deg i morgen på konserten, jeg er sikker på at du finner noen til å bli med deg :-)
SvarSlettGood luck with the Fatquartershop's mystery quilt, my friend is making one from them too, but I think it's almost finished (alot of basket blocks in it). I hope you'll find someone to join you at the Bruce Springsteen concert, I would have flewn over but since the pregnany and all you know :) - Also, good luck with Pegs challenge, finish five and have fun!!