lørdag 28. oktober 2017

Nissegjemsel #3

Here is Nissegjemsel #3 from Myquilt 3/2017.
I have made it a bit smaller than the pattern and put the trees different than the designer.
I did love making this one :-)

3 kommentarer:

  1. This design is a great sample of a cool and peaceful Scandinavian Christmas style, and your different versions are all very nice. The excitement of almost seeing Santa's little helpers keeping an eye of your doings! Did you eat your oatmeal, did you quarrel with baby brother?

  2. Så flotte løparar du har sydd, fint å sjå ulike variantar, skal nok prøve dette mønsteret eg og ein dag! helsing Olinequilt.

  3. I think I will love making this one too.....just lovely!
