onsdag 3. desember 2014

Prep for Christmas I

I have been Christmas decorating at the cabin.In this picture over you find my gift from Dzintra in the SSCS in 2011.
It was so sweet to find this gift this year along with a very sweet card from Dzintra..
Thank you so much Dzintra !You can visit Dzintra here :-)

2 weekends ago there was a little bit snow at the cabin and we were out walking to the topp Hestheia. The fog was
extrem so we did not much though.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Så koselig du har pyntet til jul på hytta di!

  2. I love pulling out my decorations and remembering where I got them........who made them for me........

  3. Hello Anne Marie...it's lovely to see the gifts again and straight away there were reminders of making them for you! No cold over here....very warm days!

  4. Så fint du har pyntet på hytta! Koselig å ta frem juletingene år etter år, jeg har så vidt startet her hjemme. Er så glad at det lille laget av sne lyser så fint opp ute :-)

  5. It has been like that here too. With every decoration I put on the tree a friend has joined me in celebrating the season. We haven't had any snow here yet but severe ground frosts. Today we have rain and a cold wind. It is definitely Winter.

  6. Så koselig det blir på hytta med litt julepynt. Ønsker deg en fin adventsstund.
