onsdag 17. september 2014

The pinwheel quilt / Moda Bakeshop

A new quilt has been finished, though it has been done for a while but I have not shared this with you.
I have found the pattern at Moda Bakeshop here.
The designer are Pauline Francis at Quiltnqueen.
Quiltekunst / Britta have quilted this quilt very beautifully. Love it !
It was a very fun project and I must say that I never get tired of finding patterns at Moda Bakeshop and the best part is that all the pattern are free at no cost :-).
Have anyone else made a Mode Bakeshop project lately? Please share ..

6 kommentarer:

  1. Härlig kvilt med underbara tyger!
    Jag har bara använt Moda bakeshop en gång, tror jag;-)
    Bra sätt veta att den finns.
    Tack för påminnelsen!

  2. Annemarie...OMG...I love your quilt. Thank you so much for sharing your Honeysweet Pinwheel. It is a BEAUTY...I love the fabric combinations!! It looks like Minick and Simpson fabrics, love their fabrics collections. It makes me want to stitch this quilt again...bed size. It is a great feeling when one designs a pattern and someone loves the pattern as much as the designer. You made my heart sing today!! I will share your beautiful quilt on my next blog posting. Happy stitching, Pauline

  3. Grattis med flott finish! Fine pinwheels, vakkert stoff og fin kombinasjon av fargene,. Takk for alle linkene :-)


  4. Another great quilt :-) Well done!

  5. En nydelig quilt. Selv har jeg aldri prøvd noen mønstre fra Moda Bakeshop. Jeg er ikke så flink til å følge mønstre.
