lørdag 28. juni 2014

Sommeravslutning Kristiansand Quilteklubb

A special cake for very special ladies !
My Quilt Guild had the last meeting before the summer at a lovely old farm in Holum. ( Close to Mandal )
Ellen was so kind and organize this trip for our guild and she did a marvelous job.

Vaffel jern som tar 4 liter vaffelrøre pr vaffel :-)
Some very BIG waffles are made in this device..

This quilt is made by Ellen and she has very carefully quilted this quilt on her own long arm Machine.

2 kommentarer:

  1. What a beautiful place for a meeting! I love the cake!

  2. The cake is so cute! It looks like you had a great last meeting in a beautiful place. Coffee made on open fire is just perfect for having outdoors.
