søndag 29. juni 2014

My Mysteryquilt topp 2013 is finished today !

I am doing a small happy dance :-) 
This was a good one to finish. 
It has been a wonderful thing to be a part of Fatquartershops Bom 2013. 
I have signed up for 2014 and my first block , the finishing kit and the backing has arrived already. I just had to finish this before starting up with block number 1. 

lørdag 28. juni 2014

Sommeravslutning Kristiansand Quilteklubb

A special cake for very special ladies !
My Quilt Guild had the last meeting before the summer at a lovely old farm in Holum. ( Close to Mandal )
Ellen was so kind and organize this trip for our guild and she did a marvelous job.

Vaffel jern som tar 4 liter vaffelrøre pr vaffel :-)
Some very BIG waffles are made in this device..

This quilt is made by Ellen and she has very carefully quilted this quilt on her own long arm Machine.

fredag 20. juni 2014

Twister ruler

I have no time to eat, this is so much fun :-)  The fabrics are "Hearty Good Wishes"  from Moda.  I turned my Twister ruler upside down but I am good as long as I continue to do so. I was so happy when I found out the blocks will still turn into flowers !! Happy summer weekend everyone:-) 

lørdag 14. juni 2014

Not much cooking !

I am trying to finish my Mystery quilt for 2013. 
It is just missing the outer boarder. 
I have signed up for Fatquartershops Mystery quilt for 2014 so I need to finish this one !! 

onsdag 4. juni 2014


Wednesday are always my sewing day but not today. It was time for some gardening and I have been shopping for some new flowers and new potteries.
There was some light rain coming down from above but I enjoyed to be outside working with my new flowers.
I hope you are all well out there and sewing your hearts out !
Take care and have fun..