søndag 23. februar 2014

Just a little snow ;-)

I just have to show you some pictures from our cabin this weekend!
We have more than enough snow I guess :-)
I have not ever seen so much snow in the mountains where our cabin are seated ……………
The focus has been to remove snow from the roof and to make sure that we have free ways to escape if necessary/ emergency exits.
As you can imagine we have not been out of work this weekend :P

Here is the cabin without snow :-)

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ja, der var det jammen mye snø. Jeg er så glad for at vi har hatt lite snø på vestlandet denne vinteren. Håper ikke vi får noen overraskelser i mars. Koselig hytte, og det var mange flotte quilter som henger på verandaen. :-)

  2. Häftigt att se!
    Men jag kan tänka mig att det var en hel del för er att skotta som Du skriver om.


  3. I was complaining about 29 inches (73 cm, I think)! Wow, you have plenty of snow!
