søndag 7. juli 2013

Opam for june

I just had to show you my new cushions in my new chairs.. Love the result !! The cushions are my Opam for june and I was happy to make a finish..

The book and cup is a gift from my youngest daughter when she returned from Australia after staying there for 3 months.
I have a feeling that she missed her mum a little bit ;-)
I am so happy that she is safe back home and she has done so many nice things in Sidney both as a student and as a tourist ! Great memories has been made and some lessons has been made like forgetting her passport in a taxi in Sydney s China town. She was very lucky getting it back again.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Jag tycker att det var ett par härliga kuddar som Du sytt nu!


  2. Åhhh! Dette må vel smlete et mammahjerte:) Kjempefine puter:)

  3. Your cushions are very elegant, lovely buttons too. Great gifts from your daughter, she has learned some valuable lessons!

  4. Så lekre puter i den fine sofaen! Godt å få datteren hjem igjen :)

  5. Nydelig puter, så sarte og fine i fargene. Alltid godt å få døtrene hjem fra reise.

  6. Those cushions are really lovely,,,,

  7. Oh wow what a fright your daughter must have had! I'm glad she had a great time. Such lovely presents she brought back. Your cushion covers turned out so well and look perfect in your room.
