onsdag 10. april 2013

I feel so done ...

Jelly roll project "jellygirl" by Joanna Figueroa..
This project is taking forever and I feel like none of the block meets up like they should.
I am thinking about terminate this one, really. What would you do ??

9 kommentarer:

  1. I can't work on anything that isn't making me happy. So maybe you can find a friend to donate it to who wants to finish it or else maybe you can use what you have done already for a pieced quilt back. It's really pretty but I refuse to waste my time being frustrated. Pick a happy project and have fun.

  2. it's very difficult when you "hit the wall" with a quilt.......pack it up for awhile and maybe when you pull it out again it will come together...

  3. Be strong. Do not give up until it is finished. You might get a pleasant surprise to see it being great in the end.

  4. Huff, ikkje kjekt. Før du får den "heilt i halsen" er det kanskje lurt å pakke arbeidet fint vekk for ei stund og begynne på noko meir lystbetont. Kanskje blir det lettare å fortsetje seinare?? Eller kanskje finn du ut at ein syvenn kan få fullføre akkurat dette prosjektet?? Det er jo tross alt hobbyen vår, og den skal vi kunne kose oss med og glede oss over....

  5. Kjenner meg igjen der, har et par prosjekt liggende som jeg ikke blir fortrolig med... start et nytt ! Happy Quilting!

  6. The fabrics are so pretty but very different from your style. I would recommend a break, and if you feel like it, come back to this project later. After you have finished something you really want to sew!

  7. It is always a difficult to decide, but may be you need a "time out", take a break, walk away from it, do something else, you will feel better. Not all projects are to be finished. If you don't enjoy it, what is the point? May be you will return to it later, may be never. This is a hobby and it is supposed to be enjoyed :-)xx

  8. Uffda, slitsomt å jobbe med noe du ikke helt syns om! Pause? Det er kanskje lurt? Snart deilig vårvær og fint lys å jobbe i. Fine farger på JRen, lykke til :-)

  9. When I have a big project which is weighing me down, I begin something little and frivilous just to get my joy back. After that little reward, the heavy project seems lighter.

    The colours look good together Anne Marie- very Spring.
