fredag 8. oktober 2010

A Schnibble is finished..

My X-rated quilt from Schnibble is finished and Quilt'en i Arendal have done some amazing quilting job, thank you..

Her er "X-rated" quilten min fra Schnibble ferdig oh Quilt'en i Arendal har gjordt en fantastisk jobb, tusen takk!!

From the back..


My Quilt Guild will have quiltshow next weekend so and I am pretty busy. Welcome all of you , I would loved to say hi to each and everyone of you!!
I will be back with picture later on.

Kristiansand Quilte klubb har utstilling neste helg og det er mye som skal være ferdig hos meg før den tid. Hjertelig velkommen alle sammen og det hadde vært veldig gøy å hilse på noen av dere!!
Jeg kommer tilbake med bilder etter utstillingen.

Some blue stuff is going on too, it might be another Christmasgift if I make a finish.

Litt mer blått på gang, kanskje en julegave hvis jeg rekker å få det ferdig da.

16 kommentarer:

  1. And it is just so beautiful Anne Marie..

  2. Your new quilt is very pretty, lovely colours. The new kind of quilting looks great. I wonder when that service will be available here.
    Your blue fabrics look so nice together.

  3. wonderfull autum colours and a very easy pattern
    that is a wonderfull quilt

  4. Pretty quilt and lovely quilting design. Will you change your blog banner? How nice it would be to attend your quilt show and meet you in person. Lovely pile of blues.

  5. Lovely job on the quilt Anne Marie. They did do a great job on the quilting.

    Your pile of blues looks interesting.

    OO I'd love to go to your quilt show now I have been to one here in the UK and meet you too. :-)I bet you have been so busy preparing for it.

  6. when i initially saw the picture of this quilt from afar, i was amazed and incredulous - i didn't think i could ever make something like that. but when you look at the picture closely - you understand how the pattern comes together. what an amazing design though - and so effective and yet another example of your beautiful work! you are so clever :)

  7. Nydelig quilt!
    Lykke til med utstillingen! :o)

  8. I like your Schnibble. I think it is one of my favorite Schnibble designs.

  9. Your Schnibbles turned out so beautiful! I can imagine you are very busy getting things prepared for the show and I wish I could visit you there!

  10. Nydeleg teppe i fine fargar.
    Flott quilta.

  11. Nydelig quilt! Skulle gjerne vært og sett på utstillingen, men jeg må bare glede meg til å bli oppdatert på bloggen din :o)) Lykke til !

  12. Utrolig fin quilt med nydelig quilting. Denne ble ordentlig fin :O)

  13. Flot quilt!!! Og rigtig god fornøjelse og mange besøgende på jeres udstilling.

  14. Så synd at alt kommer på samme tid. Nå fikk jeg ikke sett på utstillinga til quilteklubben i år heller.
    Ønsker deg lykke til. Det blir sikkert ei flott utstilling.

  15. I like this quilt you finished. It's very nice with this pattern and the so matching colours. I'm looking forward to see pictures of the exhibition which is in Kristiansand, a place I've been long, long ago when staying on holiday with my Norwegian girlfriend.
