torsdag 30. november 2017

Trekk til tennbrikett boksen

I have made 11 new topp´s to " tennbrikett bokser" and I am in love.
These are fast and fun project and great Christmas gifts.
The small squirril are from a pattern from AnnaKa called " Nøtteliten" and the others are from a panel I bought at Desiree´,

I visited one of our local cafe´s last week with my best quilting buddy Linda. Kjersti´s kjøkken of course :-)

Pictures from our trip to the cabin last weekend. Snow in late November are incredible rare but much appriciated..

tirsdag 21. november 2017

A new Christmas quilt / Rapid Fire Hunter Star

My new Christmas Quilt using the Rapid Fire Hunter Star Ruler by Deb Tucker. The fabrics are Winter Wonderland by Bunny Hills Design.
Beautifully quilted by Anne Salvesen.
It is so good that this project is finished at last because it has been on my to do list for a while now.

onsdag 1. november 2017

" Tomtemys" in black..

2 new table runners using a pattern by Solbritt and Maria from Sweden. I do love all their designs. Always so cosy, warm and very Scandinavien. The original patten is a lot more complicated and with more appliqué.