fredag 29. mai 2015

An old one :-)

This my quilt is my quilt from my Ninepatch Challenge years ago. I am having guests tonight and I had to have a talk to myself: How many years does this quilt need to be stored in a cupboard without being used? Well I guess it is time to use it now, don´t you agree?
The quilt are beautifully quilted by Quiltén in Arendal and the fabrics are some Lecien I bought at Merete´s Atelier in Grimstad also years ago :-)
I wish you all a great Weekend!

mandag 25. mai 2015

Moda Bakeshop / Stack of start quilt

A new project have just began. Moda Bakeshop and you can find the pattern here.
Fabrics are Daysail by Bonnie and Camille.
Still got 6 more blocks to make so I am of to my sewing room again..

onsdag 6. mai 2015

Another Disappearing Hourglass quilt

I have made another "disappearing Hourglass quilt and you can find the YouTube Video by Missouri Star Quilt Company here.
I have cut the centre pieces to 2,5" instead of 2.25".
The fabric are "The Boat House" by Sweetwater. I absolutely loved making this quilt :-)

lørdag 2. mai 2015

Mer søstre for søstre..

Nye toalettvesker til Søstre for søstre prosjektet til Desiree.
Jeg beholder 1 av disse selv til utstillinga Kristiansand Quilteklubb skal har på Christianholm Festning 19 og 20 september. Der vil medlemene har en egen toalettveske utstilling sammen med alt det andre medlemene har laget de siste 3 åra. I tillegg vil vi ha besøk av 4 butikker: Quiltekunst, Kreativ, Lydia og ??.
Det blir en kjempeflott utstilling !

3 more bags and 2 of them are donated to a women's shelter with shampoo, conditioner, face cream and so on. The women have fled from domestic violence and really need some help !

fredag 1. mai 2015

Kaffe Fassett Tablerunner

A new Kaffe Fassett Table runner for OPAM April.
I had some fun making this Kaffe Fassett runner ! Happy Labor day May first :-).