fredag 30. desember 2011
My SSCS gift for Homestead Quilting/ Rebecca
This is my SSCS presents for Rebecca/ Homestead Quilting. I had a lot of fun making the bag and buying the little extra gifts.
The bag are The Oak Park Bag, designed by Stephanie/ Loftcreation. The bag pattern is so sweet and comes together very easily.I have plans to make more of them ;-))
The sign says:
"Shoot for the moon- even if you miss, you will land among the stars"
Something to remember!!
Dette er SSCS gavene jeg sendte til Rebecca / Homestead Quilting som var min swap partner fra Australia.
Vesken er designet av Stephanie/ Loftcreation. Mønsteret er veldig koselig og enkelt å sy. Jeg kommer nok til å lage flere av disse etterhvert ;-))
The Christmas ornament I made for Rebecca. It is to difficult to try to explain in english how I made them . Please forgive me.
Her er juledekorasjonen jeg laget til Rebecca. Veldig enkelt nesten som i gamle dager da vi laget julekurver i papir. Jeg brukte vanlig quiltestoff med fliseline bak.
Jeg brukte 2x stoffbit som var 35 cm x 4",delte så inn i 4 med 1" mellom. He he dette var ikke lett å forklare. Flett så kurvene , klipp rundingene på kurven med sikk sakk saks og sett på hank.
This is the bag i made for Rebecca.
This bag is made for me..
onsdag 28. desember 2011
My wonderfulI, awesome SSCS gift from Dzintra :-))
What a suprice my SSCS partner was Dzintra...
I was so lucky to have Dzintra as my Swap partner !! Look a all the goodies she sent me, WOW.. Please visit her blogg and see her last post about this swap and my special gift.
I am stunned ;-)
Dzintra has made me some lovely gifts and yes I can see that she has put a lot of work into it.I feel very blessed to receive her gift and thank you so much Dzintra.
I will put all of the goodies at the cabin and every Christmas I will find this gifts and think of Dzintra in Australia.
Dzintra tells me that this is her first time joining in the SSCS swap and I do hope she will joining in many more times to come. It has been a delight to be part of her SSCS swap!!
I will also Thank Chookyblue for hosting even another SSCS swap. I know that Chookyblue puts a lot of work into organizing this swap and by doing that she gives us all a very special gift under the tree and maybe some new friendships are made ;-))
fredag 23. desember 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!!
I just want to wish all my bloggfriends and visitors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
I am so thankful for all your lovely comments and I know I have not been the best to comment lately. I hope everything will be better after the New Year..
Take care and remember that it is the little things that realy matters ;-)
God Jul og Godt Nyttår til alle mine bloggvenner og besøkende !!
Jeg setter veldig pris på alle kommentarene dere legger igjen og jeg vet at jeg ikke har vært like flink til å legge igjen kommentarer hos dere. Tusen takk for støtten jeg får fra dere. Ta vare på dere selv i julen og husk at det er de små tingene som teller ;-)
søndag 18. desember 2011
Drømmedag på Bortelid / Wintherwonderland at the cabin..
We arrived late yesterday afternoon at the cabin and it was already dark and a lot of snow! Where is the door. I sent my husband out of the car with the doorkey, hi hi..
We are going to spend Christmas at the cabin so we had a little bit of this and that to do. The cabin is now cleaned and decorated for Christmas ;-)
Today was a wonderful day outside with -5 Degreas Celcius and a wonderful sun made everything magic..I just had to show you pictures from my crosscountry skiing today. Enjoy !!
Vi kom opp på hytta i går ettermiddag, det var allerede mørkt og masse nysnø. Min mann var kjempesøt og krabbet opp i snøfonna for meg og fant døra. Jeg fikk alt på plass inne mens han skuffet snø. Vi skal feire snø her oppe så vi hadde en del å holde på med.
Nå er hytta vasket og pyntet til jul ;-)
I dag var det bare helt fantastisk her på Bortelid med - 5 grader og strålende solskinn. Det blinket i snøkrystaller og var helt magisk. Jeg måtte bare vise dere bilder fra skituren min i dag, de må nytes !!
søndag 4. desember 2011
My trip to London
Prins Albert Memorial Hyde Park
I had a wonderful trip to London last week and meet up with sweet Melanie at Euston Trainstation and we walked up to Camden Market. We had a wonder lunsj at a local pub in Camden before we went to see all the stalls at Camden Market. I did a few buyings for me and my daughters for Christmas..
Melanie was so sweet and we had a great time togehter. On our way back to Euston train station it started raining but either Melanie or me took any notice of it.
We spent a couple of ours chatting at a coffee shop and time did fly. We talked about almost everything and I had a wonderful time with her. She gave me some gifts for Christmas and later my birthday, I cannot show them yet ;-)) She also gave the most beautiful Christmas stitchery And I will show you next time I do a post..
I realy need to thank Melanie for taking the train back and fort for over 7 ours just to meet me. Thank you Melanie, I had a awesome time with you!! And I will love to go to Birmingham quilt Market some day with you and maybe some other quilt friends ;-))
Hyde Park
Hyde Park
Hyde Park
The Supreme Court
Buckingham Palace
Henrietta Whiskers in St. James park
Big Ben
Camden Market
fredag 2. desember 2011
SSCS gift
My SSCS gift has just arrived in my mailbox yesterday and it was from an Australien girl Dzintra. She has made me a Christmasgift to opened on Christmas eve and an Ornament that I have unwrapped today and are to be hanged on my Christmas tree ;-))The ornament are so cute !
What a wonderful package and what a lovely way to meet new blogg friends... I cannot wait for Christmas to arrive and I am alowed to open my lovely gift from Dzintra..
Thank so much Dzintra for making my this wonderful Christmas present and I will be a very good girl and save it for Christmas eve ;0))
Thank you so much to Chookyblue for making this SSCS swap happen again this year, I realy love it !
Min SSCS gave har nettopp kommet i postkassen min helt fra Australia. Min SSCS partner var Dzintra og hun har laget en julegave til meg som jeg skal spare til julaften og en julepynt til juletreet mitt som jeg har fått lov å opne med en gang. Så nyderlig og flott gave , tusen takk Dzintra!!
Jeg gleder veldig til julaften nå som jeg har en så flott gave som venter på meg. Dette er også en flott måte å få nye bloggvenner på.
Tusen takk til Chookyblue for å ha laget denne flotte julebytte igjen i år, hun er bare skjønn..