onsdag 22. oktober 2008
Bilder fra utstillingen på Christiansholm Festning
Her er noen bilder fra utstillinga Kristiansand Quilteklubb hadde på Festninga i Kristiansand. Vi har hatt en helt fantastisk flott utstilling med mange besøkende.
Medlemene gjorde en flott dugnadsjobb og alt gikk helt knirkefritt. Nede i 1 etage hadde 4 quiltebutikker laget hver sin salgsbod og vi fikk bare masse positive tilbakemeldinger fra dem.
Hvis dere vil se flere bilder så kan dere se her på Kristiansand Quilteklubbs
En liten beskjed til "chevostar" damene er kommet, tusen takk....
Here are som pictures from our Quilt Guilds exhibition last weekend. Vi had a fantastic show with lots of visitors. Our quiltmembers did a great job and everything went realy smooth.
On ground floor 4 quiltshop had their own shops and they were very happy too. If you wants see more pictures please go here.
fredag 17. oktober 2008
What am I up to, well not much sewing but...
Tomorrow my quiltguild is opening our quilt exhibition and I have been pretty busy lately. This is very exciting and I wonder if we will have visitors comming??
Please forgive me for beeing unvisable in bloggland lately. I will soon , over the weekend, try to catch up with you all. Have fun and enjoy the crisp autumn!
Another block are finished for my mysteryquilt I have ordered from Fatquartershop. This is a lot of fun.
This is going to be a new tabelrunner for our cottage, I am going to use Barghello .
You can see the pattern under here on the last picture.
Barghello pattern by Ranveig Kreativ Quilt. Ranveig was ever so kind and helpt me out on picking fabrics for this tabelrunner and she has done such a wonderful job, thank you so much..
Please forgive me for beeing unvisable in bloggland lately. I will soon , over the weekend, try to catch up with you all. Have fun and enjoy the crisp autumn!
Another block are finished for my mysteryquilt I have ordered from Fatquartershop. This is a lot of fun.
This is going to be a new tabelrunner for our cottage, I am going to use Barghello .
You can see the pattern under here on the last picture.
Barghello pattern by Ranveig Kreativ Quilt. Ranveig was ever so kind and helpt me out on picking fabrics for this tabelrunner and she has done such a wonderful job, thank you so much..
onsdag 8. oktober 2008
Quilteutstilling i Kristiansand 18 og 19 oktober.
Neste helg skal Krstiansand Quilteklubb ha utstilling på Festningen i kristiansand. Vi er ca 60 damer som skal vise fram produksjonen fra de siste 2 åra. Vi kommer også til å ha 4 quiltebutikker på besøk. Utstillingen er åpen Lørdag/søndag 11 til 17.
Jeg sitter i styret og har jobbet ganske inntenst med dette den siste måneden. Jeg gleder meg masse og håper alt går bra .
Det hadde vært veldig gøy å se noen av dere der, si ifra sånn at jeg får sjans til å hilse på dere. Det pleier å være en helt fantastisk utstilling, velkommen...
Next weekend my Quiltguild is going to have an exhibition here in Kristiansand. We are about 60 ladies who is going show of the last 2 years of quilting. We will also host 4 quiltshops. I am in the board of the quiltguild and have been quite busy with this task for the last mounth. I am realy looking forward to the exhibition and I realy hope everything goes well. It would have been a lot of fun if you all could come and visit but I will take lots of pictures so you can enjoy later on..
My quiltguild has made this quilt and we are going to have this in a lotteri on the fair next weekend. Isen't awesome. We have all made 2 blocks each and some of the sweet ladies have put them together to a quilt.
Quilteklubben har laget dette fellesteppet til utstillinga som vi skal ha neste helg. Vi har alle sammen laget 2 blokker hver og noen av jentene har tatt på seg oppgaven med å sy det sammen til dette flotte teppet. Det kommer til å være hoved- gevinsten i lotteriet vårt.
Vi har kjøpt oss hytte på Bortelid, ca 1,5 t kjøring hjemmefra. Vi er veldig fornøyd og gleder oss å ta den i bruk for fullt etterhvert. Hytta er helt tom for alt og jeg har vært veldig opptatt med å kjøpe inn til kjøkkenskapene og finne/ bestille møbler. Det har jo egentlig vært veldig gøy men kjenner også at det har kostet krefter.
Over ser dere utsikten fra hytte. Det er jo en fjellhytte og det hadde jo vært helt topp å feire jul her!!
We have bought us a cottage in the mountains about 1,5 our drive from home. This has been a very happy moment for us as a family and we are planning to spend christmas here. The cottage is quite empty, no furniture or kitchen equipment. So I have been quite busy running around buying and ordering tings. It has been lot of fun but I am a bit tired now and my blogg has been suffering big time. Above you can see the cottage view.